Iced brewed coffee
Photography by Giles SmithRecipe by Carl Fleischer
18g Whole bean coffee
Step 1 – Grind Coffee
Weigh out 18g of whole bean coffee, then grind the coffee coarse. You want to aim for a similar grind texture to what you would use in a French Press.
Ideally you would want to grind the coffee with a burr grinder and not a blade grinder, as this tends to chop the coffee rather than grind it, which results in a uneven particle size.
Step 2 – Preheat Equipment
Invert the aeropress, making sure that the plunger is inserted with the black rubber part touching the number 4. Fill the aeropress with some hot water and leave for 20 seconds, then pour out. Next, add a paper filter to the aeropress cap and pour through some hot water, this will rinse the paper of any papery flavour.
Step 3 – Brew
Place the aeropress on the scales, then add the 18g of ground coffee. Add 165mls of water at 92c – 93c, stir the coffee to make sure all the grounds are saturated evenly, then start the timer.
Step 4 – Prepare Ice
Place a suitable decanter onto some scales and add 165g of ice.
Step 5 – Press
Screw the cap onto the aeropress. At 4 minutes, flip the aeropress and press onto the ice. This should take around 15 seconds, you want to stop as soon as you hear the first hiss of air escaping.
Step 6 – Enjoy
Add some ice cubes to some chilled glasses and decant the iced brewed coffee.